30 Central Park South, 7D, NYC | 212.486.7574
  30 Central Park South, 7D, NYC | 212.486.7574
Cost Comparison
What is FlossClub?
The FlossClub is a simple membership plan to manage your dental care with complete transparency. The plan is entirely in-house and a direct relationship between you and FlossNYC. There is no third-party company to deal with which means no additional fees or complications.
"Protect your oral health for about a $1.00 a day!"
How Does FlossClub Work?
  • It's $400 per year - this covers your preventative care, twice a year. (Think exams, cleanings, and x-rays)
  • Any restorative work you need is on a FIXED fee schedule. And we give you 20% off the rates. This includes fillings, crowns, whitening, and Invisalign. You can download the fee schedule so there are NO SURPRISES
  • ​Need a specialist for an extraction, implant surgery or a root canal?  No problem, we have worked out discounts with the specialists we trust! Namely: Dr. Gabriel Strauss (Perio) and Dr. Steven Kaplan (Endo)
  • ​Need more frequent care? Talk to us and we can configure a plan that works for your needs
FlossClub Fee Schedule
Matthew Hashimoto, DDS
10+ years of experience
10% off fee schedule
Robert Kaplan, DDS
25+ years of experience
10% off fee schedule
Gary Ruth, DDS
Oral Surgeon
25+ years of experience
10% off fee schedule
It's literally that simple. It requires a valid credit card and a 12-month commitment.
You can sign-up below and your membership will be active immediately.
Benefits of the FlossClub
  • Clear, fixed, and published pricing on your dental services
  • You can decide the best course of treatment with no maximums, no deductions and no questions. 
  • Finally, an end to opaque and complicated co-payments, co-insurance, allowed amounts, etc.
  • A direct relationship with you and FlossNYC
  • Questions about pricing or treatment? Simply ask us. We want to make this easy.
FlossClub is looking to change the way you manage your dental care. 
We want to bring the relationship back to just you and and your dentist. 

 The way it should be.
Still not sure?

FlossNYC - Copyright 2022